Be Your Own HERO
This past year we’ve all had a lot thrown at us and have been forced to live each day in the unknown while trying our best to stay positive, healthy and safe. The obstacles and challenges we’ve been dealing with encouraged us to adapt to stressful situations and bounce back as best we can, increasing our resilience. This can be a daunting task and that is why it is essential to take a page from the field of positive psychology and be your own HERO.
Positive psychology tells us that we all have psychological capital --- specific resources that help us navigate our lives to success at work, our relationships, and our physical well - being. In brief, your PSYCAP includes:
Hope: having the motivation to achieve your goals and developing pathways to achieve them.
Optimism: positive thoughts and feelings about the future
Efficacy: having confidence in your abilities to achieve your goals
Resiliency: positive way of coping with adversity or and quickly bouncing back from setbacks
While our Government can help with our financial capital via the stimulus bill, we all need to take responsibility to increase our psychological capital so in future blogs I will help you do so by providing positive psychology strategies for increasing your PSYCAP. In no time at all, you’ll be your own HERO!