Body Confidence
What does it mean to have body confidence? I’ve asked dozens of women this question and here are some of the responses :
*To be in a bathing suit and not feel insecure
*To be comfortable in my own skin
*To accept and love my body
*To be around my friends and not compare my body to theirs
Body confidence can be all these things, but loving and appreciating your body, realizing how much it does to support you (literally,) and embracing it all isn’t easy, trust me, I know, I’ve been there!
Being confident, having high self-esteem and truly loving your full self is an internal struggle for women and men,, and unfortunately the negative thoughts that form over time can take control over your mind and actions. There are often underlying unresolved challenges people are dealing with that are the root causes of the suffering with poor body image and self esteem. Working with a coach to dig deep and discover those challenges and heal from the past is powerful and rewarding.
Bodies are one of those fascinating things, everyones is different in multiple ways. Size, color, shape, are the physical traits that everyone sees. When one judges and criticizes themselves to the point where these features define who they are, their confidence is quite low and that results in a pretty damaging feeling. To have healthy self-confidence can take time to build up. I know this because I’ve experienced it. I’ve taken different approaches over the years to improve my self-esteem and confidence, and I’m in a much healthier place, physically and mentally than I have been in a long time. I don’t expect to wake up every morning and feel 100% about myself and everything in my life, but I have learned the steps to take and continue to practice them daily to feel the best I can.
I want to help others get to the same place by guiding and inspiring them to feel confident in their own bodies from the inside out.
(My) Steps to body confidence:
Education-With the abundance of information you can find on Google or in print, it’s important to know what types of publications you should rely on to educate yourself. There are countless points of views, nutritional and weight loss plans, exercise routines, but knowing who and what is creditable based on your goals is key. Just like “junk food” isn’t good for you, junk info isn’t good for you either. It’s important to enjoy your treats (you’ve got to live your life,) but the science of Wellness is more beneficial than following certain influencers.
Self Awareness and Acceptance- To make any change in your life you need to be aware, acknowledge the situation and place you’re in, and accept it before moving forward. Growth is an amazing and rewarding feeling but being honest with yourself comes first. As a Positive Psychology Coach, I’ve learned about Gestalt’s concept, Paradox of change- You can’t change until you accept where you are, you can’t move forward until you get a firm footing where you are now. I help people gain awareness, accept and move forward.
Self Care- Self-care is the fun part! Eating nutritious delicious foods, practicing moving your body in ways that make you FEEL good, from spa treatments, enjoying a lazy day with a good book and no electronics, going on a hike, shopping, spending time with your friends, the list is endless. There are an abundance of activities you can treat yourself to to practice self-care.
Building your “A” Team. Having a support group is key, but you need to know how to build it. Have the right people in your corner-maybe not all your friends and family give the support you’re searching for, so know who does and keep them close. Knowing when a professional (therapist, doctor, dietitian) is needed and a Coach can help identify those times if need be.
Spiritual/mindful practice- Start your day with a relaxing practice, and or routine verses picking up your phone and scrolling through instagram and the news right away. Take a few moments for yourself and start your day with a clear positive mind set. This might mean lemon water and a meditation, writing in your journal, or simply reading a passage of a book you enjoy.
Self Talk- This is huge! Increase your awareness of how you talk to yourself. Getting rid of distorted statements, changing your vocabulary, and learning how to use self talk in a way that motivates you to productive action. What’s the first thing you say to yourself when you miss a workout? Now, what’s a statement that would help you move forward? I ask the second question because I have an idea of your response to the first! You might not even realize the negative and self doubting statements you’re saying to yourself, and when you change them, you feel the difference.