First and foremost, the coaching process is interactive-that means that the client and I both contribute to the process, however as the professional, it is my responsibility to make sure the process is serving the client’s needs.
Customized Coaching
The Coaching process takes individual differences into account. By doing so, I am able to customize my coaching to fit the client, not vice versa. The customized process is 3 months- for others it is longer or shorter. BW does not put timelines in place or restrictions, the process is unique so is each individual's timeline.
You need to become a powerful force in shaping your future—that requires energy. Developing new habits requires cognitive and behavioral changes—that means effort on your part. Next is Time—are you going to make your coaching sessions a priority?
Your progress is important. Periodically, we assess progress. Doing this allows BW to make coaching adjustments to make the process more effective in assisting the client to goal achievement.
Evidenced Based
BW utilizes evidence based strategies of positive psychology, integrative health and body confidence to help clients achieve their goals. Bri teaches strategies that help clients develop optimism and hope and thus increase their chances for success.
To help clients realize their goals, understand self-assessment life style inventories, systems and processes, (ie: personal shopping style inventory) structured mental exercises are all individualized and utilized. These tools provide a support structure for the client and help internalize productive thinking habits and behavioral change.