Strengthen Yourself

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When I think about all of the interviews I’ve been on over the years, and how many times I was asked, “What are your strengths?” I realize I often gave the same response, “I’m results oriented, have strong clienteling skills, and give and take criticism well.”  In retail, these strengths were important, but in my life there are many others that I have and use daily. 

Helping me discover these strengths is a tool we often use when applying Positive Psychology- the VIA Survey (Values In Action,) it helps become aware of our 24 signature strengths (SS).  Your SS are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you behave, think and feel.  Recognizing and acknowledging your SS is a key factor for personal development as they help you enhance your overall well-being.

Take 20 minutes out of your day to complete the survey and discover your signature strengths and then choose one of your top three to apply to your relationships, work, and any environment you see fit.  Try this exercise every day for a week- you’ll be able to reflect and build your confidence as well as your self-awareness.

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Rachel GarahanComment